
John Edwards has officially lost his mind. http://www.drudgereport.com/ Imagine the hue and cry if George W. had said anything remotely as asinine as if John Kerry is elected people like Christopher Reeve will walk! He's like Aimee McPherson, Oral Roberts, and Zell Miller all rolled into one!

I find it mildly depressing that almost (over???) half the country takes John Kedwards seriously. I don't mind that they don't like Bush -- that's a badge of honor. But to affirmatively vote for John Kerry is mindboggling. At least W is personable. John Kerry is a dour parasite on society and rich women.


New start -- part III.

Relocated to Riverside, CA since last post 6 months ago. New perspective on things. My vote for Bush means more out here that it did in Texas -- though I'm sure it won't make a difference either since the state will most definitely -- barring a miracle (milagro?) -- go for Kerry.

Debate tonight between Edwards and Cheney.... I'm sure the conventional wisodm says Edwards -- the experienced trial lawyer -- wins hands down. I'm not sure. Of course I think Dick Cheney beats him on substance by a wide margin, but the format favors Cheney also. Edwards, as both an attorney and a Senator is used to standing and delivering a speech. Trial attorneys -- especially those like John Edwards -- prowl the courtroom. They do not sit down at conference tables and discuss matters. They walk and move and cajole juries to find their clients' require compensation for injury.

I think Edwards will be somewhat limited by the format. Plus he will look about 6 years old next to Cheney. Looking younger than your opponent is usually a good thing. Looking like Opie Taylor next to your adversary is not. Edwards may appear light both in substance and stature.

Dear Mr. Edwards also said people who vote for Bush will have "lost their minds". How can I respond to that? It bears noting, but not rebuttal.