
Today's Big Lie.... Well... there were many on tap today such as "Arnold Schwarzenegger is a 'Reagan Republican.'" (more like an Arlen Specter Republican) or "The war in Iraq was a waste of time/started on lies/fill in your own Howard Dean quote here..."

BUT, the biggest lie today is tied to Fidel Castro on the occasion of his birthday. El Bastardo is 77 today! Too bad he has not met the same fate as Ceausescu -- a bullet to the head from his own countrymen after raising the flag of democracy and republican government. This story illustrates the bias in America towards Castro.

Why -- he's a hardworking leader of a country that is not so bad! He's almost human. This puff piece is indicative of Castro's treatment by much of the mainstream media. A total glossing over for a brutal dictator. Castro is no friend of democracy and certainly no friend of Cubans and he deserves our condemnation and enmity. Hell, he at the very least deserves our disdain -- not lionization by Al Sharpton (do not get me started), Oliver Stone, Danny Glover, and Charlie Rangel.

I have actually had conversations with those who excuse Castro because Cuba has healthcare for all and compulsory education. "Compulsory" does not begin to define Cuba's "training" regimen. And the healthcare system comes in handy after one's testicles have been shocked for advocating democracy and free press or his health has deteriorated in Castro's prisons for trying to escape to the U.S. and liberty. I had one conversation where one tried to actually argue (and sincerely -- sadly) that Reagan was the butcher and Castro was the underdog leading the people. That someone would spout that absolute Bravo Sierra in 2003 is absolutely mind boggling -- almost to the level of a "flat-earther". Castro was, is, and will be evil absent a life changing conversion.

This my initial post of what I hope is my foray into professional writing. I fear my writing skills have atrophied over the years. My description, I hope, does not convey a sense of arrogance. I do not pretend to claim more knowledge than I have or can obtain. I do not pretend to be a paragon of honesty or integrity -- though I strive for both constantly.

I am distressed by the lack of honesty and excess of hypocrisy that passes for public discourse these days. I do not know if it has always been this way -- though I suspect it has. Scarcely a day goes by that some lawyer, politician, preacher, academic, or political hack tries to tell me and everyone else that what is "black" is actually "white" or that water is not wet. The more obvious the truth -- the more blatant the lie it takes to overcome it. Eternally of course, the Truth will win out. I know that and take comfort in that fact.

Temporally -- I hope to steadily beat the drum of truth here. I do not know if anyone will ever read this besides me. There are many defenders of truth out there. I am inspired by National Review's "The Corner" and by many of the articles posted at Antithesis.com as sources of truth on matters religious and political. There are many others out there and I will link to many of them when discovered by me or introduced to them by "y'all". So begins my experiment. I could never stand writing in journals... Hopefully this will be different. Until next time....